• +91-8917426737 (0900-1800 Hrs. IST)

Contact Information

  • 1135, FF, Landmark Cyber Park, Sec 67, Gurugram, Haryana-122101

  • +91-8917426737 (0900-1800 Hrs. IST)


Working Capital Management- MoCa WoCa

WoCa WoCa is a simulation of working capital management in an organisation. The participants will understand how few decisions can change the working capital availability in an organisation dramatically.

Game Description:

WoCa WoCa is a simulation of effective management of working capital in a healthcare and welness company. Although the company is financially in a comfortable position still then they face challenges as they are not able to effectively manage their working capital.

Scenarios Description:

As the game progresses scenarios come up one after another. In these scenarios the participant faces situations where he has to advise the CEO for improving the cash situation. Although the number of decisions to be taken here is less still then each decision has the potential of drastically changing the working capital situation. Every scenario builds on the outcome of the decisions taken in the previous scenario. This simulation manitains data continuity and makes the later scenarios that much more challenging.

Key Decisions:

For every scenario requires decision to be taken around :

-supplier agreement effectiveness


-vendor relationship