• +91-8917426737 (0900-1800 Hrs. IST)

Contact Information

  • 1135, FF, Landmark Cyber Park, Sec 67, Gurugram, Haryana-122101

  • +91-8917426737 (0900-1800 Hrs. IST)


Virtual Assessment Centers

Humanlinks Virtual Assessment Centers

Traditional Assessment & Development Centers (ADC) can be upgraded to Simulation-based Assessment & Development Centers and a variety of competencies including functional competencies can be considered. Similarly, Simulation-based Test & Assessment Solutions can be used to bring a paradigm shift in the quality of hires. Our solution not only senses traits and attitudes but also checks job-skills.

Traditional Assessment Centers are on their way out as many assessments that are used do not have the requisite levels of reliability and validity. With our experience of over two decades in simulations, open assessments and elearning we can support corporates’ Transfer and Promotion processes by recommending the right fit. Our assessment tests are all fully-hosted software applications, requiring only an appropriate testing environment, a computer with a broadband internet connection, a printer, and a telephone. The assessment allows for centralized control of the assessment process with local administration of the program in the branch itself or any other global location. This model supports rollout to multiple locations while simultaneously lowering overall costs. A high impact virtual world gives your participants a real-life, client-defined assessment experience that yields a consistent evaluation of actual behavior.

A Note on Assessment Centers

Traditionally it used to be done by bringing out the candidate’s behavior relevant to the job, while being assessed by a neutral group of assessors in a face-to-face situation. The assessors judging a candidate’s behavior see all individuals from a common frame of reference in the various assessment activities. In a conventional AC participants gather at one place and are assessed by trained assessors. Assessors have to do extensive documentation which are time consuming and tedious. Logistics issues related to travel, accommodation, room booking and coordination are sometimes nightmarish experiences. Apart from that many times raters’ bias creep in.

With technological advances in recent times the Assessment Centers are being organized with the same or improved effectiveness, without the Assessors and the Participant being at the same place. Sometimes these are also called Virtual or Technology-enhanced Assessment Centers. In the last several years the same reliability, validity and objectivity are being ensured by using several technology tools which create unbiased environment once the framework is finalized. These procedures help to insure that the judgments made are relatively free of the many forms of rater bias, are reliable, and can serve as the basis for meaningful predictions of a candidate’s potential.

Benefits of Assessment Centers

-Assessment centers measure job-related behaviors rather than other characteristics

-Assessment centers measure a broader range of knowledge, skills, and abilities than more traditional methods, such as written tests or interviews.

-Assessment centers are standardized because testing conditions are similar for all candidates.

-Assessment centers are fair regardless of age, gender or race. Unlike some testing programs they are more so when conducted by third parties with technology tools

-Candidates typically view assessment centers as a fair promotional method.

-Assessment center ratings tend to be much more accurate than conventional ratings because the assessment center provides an opportunity for direct observation of behavior in a controlled setting with trained raters.

History of Assessment Centers

Assessment Centers were first used By AT&T (led by Dr. Douglas W. Bray) to predict performance of managers (Management Progress Study)





• In-Basket

• Business Game

• Group Discussion

•Personality questionnaires

• Projective tests


• Cognitive tests

• Essays



(1) 422 men participated (1950s) in a longitudinal research spanning over a 20-year period; (2) 85% of candidates predicted by the assessment center to teach middle management actually did and (3) 93% predicted not to and they actually could not.