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A performance test is an assessment that requires an examinee to actually perform a task or activity, rather than simply answering questions referring to specific parts. Many performance tests are simulations (organized in controlled environment) and these are conducted to ensure greater fidelity to what is being tested. In earlier days these were conducted in the physical space but now with the use of technology many of these are done online with equal effectiveness.
Show-me-how Tests: These tests constitute the third dimension of assessments which is “Show me how”. “Show me how” assessments are to find out if the candidate can take appropriate approaches and decisions to be successful and to deliver results. These assessments are called simulations as these are done in simulated or controlled environment. For instance:
(a) the assessment to become certified as an ophthalmic technician includes two components, a multiple-choice examination and a computerized skill simulation. The examinee must demonstrate the ability to complete seven tasks commonly performed on the job, such as retinoscopy, that are simulated on a computer.
(b) a behind-the-wheel driving test to obtain a driver's license is another example. Rather than only answering simple multiple-choice items regarding the driving of an automobile, a student is required to actually drive on a simulator and then with a real car for maneuverability etc. which are usually carried out in a controlled environment.
Performance tracking in a simulated and risk-free environment can go few steps further in assessing how close the candidate is to the role-ready condition. This is no different than a airplane simulator where pilots are assessed on their flying readiness with a real plane. Similarly, driving simulator test for a driver is as important as a dead body dissection for a doctor.
Similarly a manager or an executive who primarily works and interacts with people in an office environment using his laptop/ computer/ smart phone or otherwise also need to go through these performance tests or simulations for future growth within an organization and also while being hired in a new company for a similar or different role.
To have very high levels of reliability and validity the simulations should be company specific. This is true as most of the times many elements of a company’s culture, structure, strategy, departmentalization and processes are unique.
A performance test is an assessment that requires an examinee to actually perform a task or activity, rather than simply answering questions referring to specific parts. Many performance tests are simulations (organized in controlled environment) and these are conducted to ensure greater fidelity to what is being tested. In earlier days these were conducted in the physical space but now with the use of technology many of these are done online with equal effectiveness.
iAssess is a comprehensive solution for creating, administering, and providing through analysis of tests on the Internet and Intranet. It is a quick and professional way to create and organize test for employees, students, and people in training.
Using the application, you can ask any kind of question (true/false, multiple choice, short answer, essay, questions with more than one correct answer). You can choose how to mark each question (for example, 2 points for a correct answer, 0.5 points for a partially correct answer). The application also supports the creation of psychometric tests, quizzes, and all kinds of questionnaires, where as a rule there are no right or wrong answers.
iAssess does not limit your creativity in creating questions for the assessments. Using the questions editor, you can easily list all your questions and format the text, add graphics , formulas, animation, and audio and video files.
A bank of questions makes it extremely easy to create tests. The questions can be divided into different topics, where each question has its unique number and can be stored, filtered, and organized by different criteria and parameters. The bank of questions makes test-writing a piece of cake.
In the iAssess system, a special import system is developed. It allows you to almost automatically import questions (plain text only), created in any text editor, Custom feedback, instructions, and explanations.
You can place an introductory text at the start of the test or before any questions (theoretical background, instructions, or explanations). After the test-taker has answered, you can provide an explanatory message (for example, point out mistakes, explain the right answers, give an example, show a proof, etc).
Each test can present questions in random order. You can display one question per page or all questions on one page. Besides grading tests by points or by the number of correct answers.
You can define your own grading scale (for example, the traditional 13-grade system A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, F, the 5-grade system A,B,C,D,F, or any other system).
You can create a password to access a test, assign a test to a certain group of users, give access to a test only during a certain period(determined by date and time), and define an exact number of attempts to pass a test. You can also provide a guest access to the testing system, and define guest permissions.
For every user you can make a database record in the testing system, set certain permissions to access and change information, and assign the user to any group or class. You can create administrators, instructors, operators (for entering questions), regular users, and guests, and set their permissions accordingly.
You can automatically send out testing results to any group of users by email. You will have the ability to change standard email templates or to create templates of your own. A convenient system of making templates will allow to write your own message in the email and include only the desired information about the result.
The reports manager allows you to view testing results for each user or group of users, at a glance and in detail (when the task was taken, how long it took, the answer to each question, points earned for each question, points for entire test, and so on). Also, you can read and give or change marks for the essay answers.
After the test you can gather statistics from the answers to each question. The page for collecting statistics allows you to view detailed information about how the answers were chosen, For instance, how many times each answer was chosen and what percentage of the users choose particular answers, how many times an answer was chosen correctly, partially correctly, or incorrectly, and how many questions are yet to be marked (essay questions being marked by hand).